Board of Directors:
President......................Jen Bindus
Vice-President..............Carol Sayers
Sec'y/Treasurer............Bill Davis
Trustee.........................Nancy Kessler
Trustee.........................Phyllis Davis
Trustee.........................Jason Welsh
Trustee.........................Mari Hardy
To contact the members of the HOA Board, please use the official Annevar email: . Please do not use Facebook or the NextDoor app as official HOA Board communications. This helps for record-keeping purposes. Thank you!
Vice-President..............Carol Sayers
Sec'y/Treasurer............Bill Davis
Trustee.........................Nancy Kessler
Trustee.........................Phyllis Davis
Trustee.........................Jason Welsh
Trustee.........................Mari Hardy
To contact the members of the HOA Board, please use the official Annevar email: . Please do not use Facebook or the NextDoor app as official HOA Board communications. This helps for record-keeping purposes. Thank you!