Wednesday, March 28, 2018

HOA Meeting Agenda

The agenda for the next HOA meeting is as follows:

Complete financial review of HOA from 4/1/17 to 3/31/18 and a discussion about future spending

Promotion of current VP to President

Open HOA Board positions:  Vice President, 2 Trustee positions

Annevar website update

Yorkshire/Parliament road repairs

Gardener update

Easter egg hunt update

Bike parade committee/planning (looking for volunteers)


We hope to see you Tuesday, April 3 at 6:00 in the downstairs room of Reed Memorial Library.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Reminder - HOA Meeting

Save the date - the next HOA meeting will be next Tuesday, April 3 at 6:00.  It will be held in the downstairs meeting room at Reed Memorial Library.  The Board plans to publish an agenda by late Thursday of this week.  Please come, listen to current community initiatives and share your thoughts about making our community a better place.  We look forward to seeing new faces!

Monday, March 26, 2018


If you'd like to keep up-to-date with Annevar news, you can subscribe to updates!  On the left side of the blog, there is a space where you can subscribe using your e-mail.  Web updates will come directly to your e-mail; you won't always have to check the site to see if there are new updates.

2nd Annual Annevar Easter Egg Hunt

This past weekend, Annevar held its second annual Easter egg hunt!  Approximately 30+ kids hunted eggs throughout three adjoining yards.  After the hunt was over, the kids were treated with cookies, juice and a specially made treat bag.  Six lucky winners found “glittery” eggs and also received a $5 gift card to Dairy Queen so they can get a fun treat!  

Below, you can click to see photos from this community event.  The photos start with the set-up, people arriving and then the egg hunt!

Thanks to the committee members, the shoppers, the houses who donated their yards for the afternoon and to the HOA for supporting this activity.

Hope to see you again next year!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Gardener NEEDED!

Mr. Art Jackson, who has taken care of our entrances in recent years, is unable to do so this year.  We thank him for making our entrances look so wonderful!  We are now in need of a gardener to do this job.  It is a part-time, PAID position.  If you are interested, please call Bill at 330-285-1312.

Annual Yard Sale

The annual yard sale will be held June 1-2-3, 2018.  At the last HOA meeting, there was a discussion about moving the date earlier (from mid-July) to coincide with "spring cleaning".  New signs have been created and will be posted at the entrances the week before the event is held. 

HOA Meeting

The next HOA meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 3, 2018.  The meeting will begin promptly at 6:00pm and will be held in the downstairs meeting room at Reed Memorial Library.  You have a very proactive Board so please join us and share your ideas for making our community a better place!